

分类:喜剧 地区:印度 时间:2024-01-29 02:04 导演:娜奥米·阿基 主演:邙月,武增新,凯瑟琳·莫里斯 客串:濑户朝香,刘子漫,全原徹,保罗·谢尔 状态:第08期

简介:Poor teenager Tommy isnt having a good time of it. His mother just passed away at a tragically young age. Tommy starts seeing a ghostly white apparition of her unrestful spirit. He also experiences scary nightmares of an evil devil cult. Plus a couple of close friends of the family meet brutal untimely ends. Could it be mysterious new housekeeper Darminah whos behind the freaky and troubling events that have befallen Tommy and his family?Director Sisworo Gautama Putra does an expert job of ably creating and sustaining a powerfully eerie and unnerving otherworldly atmosphere. Moreover, Putra does a totally convincing job of evoking a thoroughly believable mundane everyday reality thats ripped asunder by bizarre and inexplicable supernatural phenomenon. Better still, Putra keeps the pace slow, yet steady throughout, uses violence in a shocking, but restrained manner and gradually builds up a tremendous amount of harrowing tension before pulling out all the stops with a genuinely terrifying conclusion in which all hell quite literally breaks lose. This film even offers a rich, colorful and illuminating depiction of a fascinatingly different culture and its strongly held religious beliefs. An extremely solid and satisfying foreign fright feature.他感慨出演本片的经历令他成为与以前不同的父亲,作为一个父亲,也不必知道所有事情应该怎么做,他更加看重沟通,向孩子们敞开心扉。



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